Faculty Association makes annual holiday season donations

December 21, 2023

Media Release

Faculty Association makes annual holiday season donations

            The Mount Allison Faculty Association (MAFA) has announced its 2023 donations to local charities.

            “Every year the Mount Allison Faculty Association makes donations to local charities and non-profit organizations: it’s way of supporting the good work going on in and around Sackville,” says MAFA President Karen Bamford.

            This holiday season MAFA is donating $7500 to eighteen local groups. Earlier in the year, MAFA donated $3600 in support of a Mount Allison refugee student through World University Services of Canada.

“Because food insecurity seems to be one of our biggest current issues we decided to single this out and make our largest donation to the Sackville Food Bank,” Bamford said.    

            The other twelve organizations receiving support are Autumn House, Canadian Sea Turtle Network, Common Front for Social Justice, Conservation Council of New Brunswick, Cumberland Health Care Foundation, NB Media Co-Op, New Brunswick Coalition for Pay Equity, R Peace, Sackville Music Festival, Sackville Memorial Hospital Foundation, Sexual Health Centre of Cumberland County, and South East Adult Education.

“As is often the case our members decided to support a mix of organizations that provide help to those in need, as well as educational and cultural initiatives in the local and regional communities,” Bamford says.  Organizations that wish to be considered for a donation in 2024 should contact MAFA (mafa@mta.ca) by next October 31st.       MAFA is the bargaining agent for 200 full-time and part-time professors and librarians at Mount Allison University.

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For more information, call Geoff Martin, (506) 364-2289.