Posts By: MAFA webeditor

MAFA reaponse to administration on the non-confidence motion

For Immediate Release, April 4, 2014 Statement of MAFA President Loralea Michaelis on the false claims of the administration regarding the Faculty Council motion of non-confidence On April 3, 2014, members of the Mount Allison Faculty Council passed a motion of non-confidence in the President and Provost of Mount Allison University by a resounding majority… Read more »

Breaking news: the strike is concluded

After 14 hours of negotiating, MAFA and the administration have reached agreements on the back to work protocol and the scope of binding arbitration. The strike is concluded, effective immediately. Faculty and librarians return to work on Monday.

MAFA members return to work

Faculty and librarians at Mount Allison will be returning to work on Monday, February 17, following a three week strike which has ended with both parties agreeing to submit their differences to binding arbitration. Feelings are mixed. “Members are happy to be returning to the classroom. We will be doing everything that we can to… Read more »

Open letter to students and parents

Dear students and parents, Last night MAFA sent out a press release announcing that we were proposing binding arbitration to settle the strike, and a return to classes on Monday as part of this proposed settlement. The administration has distorted this message, claiming that MAFA has accepted the administration’s February 7 proposal for binding arbitration… Read more »

Mt A administration falsely declares an end to the strike

The MtA university community was recently sent a communication from the administration declaring an end to the strike, claiming that MAFA had accepted its proposal for binding arbitration, and announcing the resumption of classes on Monday. This is completely untrue. We have not yet concluded any agreement with the administration on our proposal for binding… Read more »

MAFA proposes return to classes on Monday

Sackville, NB – The Mount Allison Faculty Association is proposing voluntary binding arbitration to resolve its dispute with the administration of Mount Allison University. This proposal would see students returning to class as early as Monday. “We understand that despite our best efforts the collective bargaining process has been exhausted,” said MAFA President Loralea Michaelis…. Read more »

PETL Media Release: Province Appoints Special Mediator

Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Province directs parties in Mount Allison University labour dispute back to bargaining table with the appointment of special mediator NB Feb. 10, 2014 FREDERICTON (GNB) – The provincial government is intervening and directing both sides in the labour dispute at Mount Allison University to resume collective bargaining with the help… Read more »

Mount Allison Faculty Association calls for special mediator to settle labour dispute

Mount Allison Faculty Association calls for special mediator to settle labour dispute The Mount Allison Faculty Association (MAFA) has called for a special mediator to assist with negotiations in an effort to end the labour dispute at Mount Allison University. Faculty and librarians have been on strike since January 27th. After three days of meetings… Read more »

Second Solidarity Rally, Friday February 7

Academic staff from all across Canada will once again be arriving in Sackville on Friday, February 7 to show their solidarity with the faculty and librarians of the Mount Allison Faculty Association (MAFA), who have been on strike since Monday January 27. “The continuing support of our colleagues across the country is wonderful. Every day… Read more »

Regarding the administration’s media campaign…

Yesterday the Provost sent an email to students, staff, faculty and librarians regarding the strike. The email reiterates claims and allegations that have appeared for some time on the administration’s website. It would be fruitless to engage directly with the misrepresentations and mistruths in the materials that the administration is putting before the public. They… Read more »