Posts By: MAFA webeditor
Strike Information Bulletin Round Up: The First Week, Day 2
Strike Information Bulletin Round Up: The First Week, Day 1
Association des bibliothécaires, des professeures et professeurs de l’Université de Moncton (ABPPUM) support
Chères et chers collègues, L’Association des bibliothécaires, professeures et professeurs de l’Université de Moncton (ABPPUM) fera un premier don de 1000$ à Mount Allison Faculty Association (MAFA). En toute solidarité. Mathieu Lang Président Association des bibliothécaires, des professeures et professeurs de l’Université de Moncton (ABPPUM)
Ryerson Faculty Association (RFA) support
Matthew, The Ryerson Faculty Association (RFA) stands in solidarity with MAFA. Our cheque for $1000 is on its way, and more will follow if needed. We know the challenges you face. with best wishes from the RFA, Ron Babin President Ryerson Faculty Association (RFA)
Royal Roads University Faculty Association (RRUFA) support
RRUFA sends its solidarity and best wishes and a check for $500 towards your strike fund. very best Kenneth Christie President: RRU Faculty Association
Northern Ontario School of Medicine Faculty and Staff Association (NOSMFSA) support
Dear MAFA Colleagues, we support you and are sending an initial donation of $1000. In Solidarity Geoff Hudson President Northern Ontario School of Medicine Faculty & Staff Association/OPSEU 677
Mount Royal Faculty Association (MRFA) support
Dear MAFA colleagues, The Mount Royal Faculty Association supports you and commends you for taking a firm stand on many important workplace rights and conditions. We are pleased to be sending you a cheque in the amount of one thousand ($1000) dollars to support your strike efforts. Yours in solidarity, Melanie Peacock President Mount Royal… Read more »
York University Faculty Association (YUFA) support
York University Faculty Association will be sending $2000 in solidarity
Saint Francis Xavier Association of University Teachers (StFXAUT) support
Dear Matthew, StFXAUT extends its support to you as you organize and walk picket lines. We are contributing $1000 to your strike fund which we will bring to the picket on Friday. Mary O. President StFXAUT