Collective agreements

MAFA’s two Collective Agreements (2024-2027) are in force and the PDFs are available below.

MAFA_FT Collective Agreement 2024-2027 Final

MAFA_PT Collective Agreement 2024-2027 Final

Memoranda of Agreement (MOAs) signed since January 17, 2025 (if any)


Certification Orders

On November 14, 2012, MAFA received a revised certification order for the full-time unit. The bargaining unit is defined as follows, and MAFA is the exclusive bargaining agent for this group:

All employees of Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick, employed as full-time professional Librarians and full-time Teaching Faculty (i.e. full, associate and assistant professors) and Lecturers, part-time Academic Librarians who are hired for terms of a least four months, Instructors, Sessionals, and Post-doctoral and Pre-doctoral contact positions with teaching responsibilities, and full-time teachers of non-credit courses, save and except Deans, Associate Deans, those above the rank of Dean, the University Librarian, Faculty members who are members of the Board of Regents, the Dean of Students, the Director of the Computer Centre, Visiting Professors and those excluded by the Industrial Relations Act.

On the same day the NB Labor and Employment Board also certified a new unit of part-time academic staff. It is defined as follows:

All employees of Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick, employed on a part-time basis to teach or team-teach, on a per course basis, at least one Mount Allison University degree credit course or non-credit academic course, including Mount Allison degree credit and non-credit academic courses offered through the Department of Continuing and Distance Education, save and except those at or above the rank of Assistant Dean, the University Librarian, the Dean of Students, the Director of Continuing and Distance Education, Mount Allison students and those excluded by the Industrial Relations Act.